Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Satan’s Tricks

Satan’s Tricks

Everyday we who are alive are in a war; some of us are already dead and some of us are fighting in this war at all times.

Many people dress satan up to be this red man with pointed ears and a tail, who roams around with an oversized fork in his hands.

But in actuality, satan was the most beautiful angel in heaven, and now he tricks many of us into enjoying evil instead of desiring what is good.

He speaks to us when we least expect it and usually when we don’t realize it.

Let’s actually think about some of the things that he softly whispers to us to try to keep us separated from God….Eternally…..

Satan says,

“Go ahead…., God will forgive you…”

We say,


Satan says,

“Things will never change”

We say,


Satan says,

“Give Up”

We say,


Satan says,

“Go ahead drink/smoke just a little bit, God doesn’t care”

We say,


Satan says,

“You have plenty of time to get things right”

We say,


Satan says,

“Don’t forgive”

We say,


Satan says,

“Go have a good time at the club, there is nothing wrong with that”

We say,


Satan says,

“This is too long, don’t read the rest”

You say,


Satan says,

“It doesn’t matter what church you go to they are all the same”

We say,


Satan says,

“Its ok go ahead and have sex with him/her, it will feel great”

We say,


Satan says,

“God doesn’t love you”

We say,


Satan says,

“You’ll never make it”

We say,


Satan says,

“You are worthless”

We say,


Satan says,

“Live life to the fullest, its all about you”

We say,


Satan says,

“You’ll never find a new job”

We say,


Satan says,

“Don’t go to church today”

We say,


Satan says,

“This has nothing to do with you, don’t read the rest”

You say,


Satan says,

“It’s all your fault, and now everything is messed up and can not be fixed”

We say,


Satan says,

“Even though he/she is not spiritual, go ahead and date them anyway”

We say,


Satan says,

“Your partner will change for the better after marriage”

We say,


Satan says,

“You better be at work on time or you may get fired, but its ok to be late for Sunday Worship”

We say,


Satan says,

“Go to the casino”

We say,


Satan says,

“Its cool to hang out with people that are not spiritual, it won’t have an effect on you”

We say,


Satan says,

“You don’t have to be baptized to be saved”

We say,


Satan says,

“Its ok and natural to be sexually attracted to the same sex”

We say,


Satan says,

“God does not have any rules on how to worship Him”

We say,


Satan says,

“It’s only a small lie, if you told the truth you would regret it”

We say,


Satan says,

“Porn and masturbation is ok, at least you’re not having sex”

We say,


Satan says,

“That’s not stealing”

We say,


Satan says,

“Plan how to get them back for what they did to you”

We say,


Satan says,

“If you are not wealthy…. you have failed in life”

We say,


Satan says,

“You can’t trust the Bible”

We say,


Satan says,

“You could be doing something better with your time, don’t read the rest”

You say,


Satan says,

“Your dead mother/father/son/brother/sister/cousin is looking down on you from heaven”

We say,


Satan says,

“You don’t have to tell anyone else about Jesus or invite them to church”

We say,


Satan says,

“The Bible can’t be the only source to God”

We say,


Satan says,

“It doesn’t matter how you live, you can still go to heaven”

We say,


Satan says,

“Just do it one more time, after that you’ll quit”

We say,


Satan says,

“There can be more than one interpretation of the Bible”

We say,


Satan says,

“It doesn’t matter what type of music you listen to, it won’t effect you at all”

We say,


Satan says,

“There is no need to pray about everything”

We say,


Satan says,

“There is more than one way to God”

We say,


Satan says,

“All religions are going to the same place after death”

We say,


Satan says,

“Just Give Up”

We say,


Satan says,

“There is no such thing as heaven or hell”

We say,


Satan says,

“I am not real”

We say,


Satan says,

“Ignore everything you just read”

You say,

“ ………“

Satan is busy everyday, all the time, he doesn’t rest…..

The Word of God tells us how to fight him.

Ephesians 6:10-18

I Peter 5:8

If God is with us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

Luke 22:31- He wants you too.



How do you think God feels about homosexuality?

He feels that same way about it as he does stealing, lying, cheating, fornication, adultery, forsaking the assembly, false doctrine, idols, etc….

Why do “we” judge homosexuality as the only alternative lifestyle that displeases God?

When we choose to not go to church because we are too tired is an alternative lifestyle.

When we have sex outside of marriage….when we choose to steal to make quick money instead of working hard…..these are all alternative lifestyles.

But the topic right now is homosexuality and that is what we are going to discuss.

My preacher preached on this not too long ago, but I saw a book in the bookstore yesterday and it caught my eye because it said “Hip Hop”….I was thinking it had something to do with the entertainment industry, in which it did, but it was also about a gay black man who worked behind the scenes in the entertainment industry and he slept around with undercover gay black male celebrities. Reading through some of the pages he was giving hints of who these celebrities were but not actually giving their identities.

In the beginning, there was one passage that said he prayed to God when he was younger to take these feeling for men away from him because he wanted to live for God. He also described his feelings when he was in high school for his best friend who had no idea that he was attracted to him and they often slept in the same bed at night.

Where do these feelings come from?

These “abomination against God” desires?

And what does God’s Word tell us about how He feels and what He will do to those who disregard His feelings and choose a person of the same sex as their sexual preference?

The Old Testament and The New Testament are very clear on this topic.

The Bible lets us know that satan hates God and he will try the hearts of men to DO EXACTLY what God HATES!

Therefore we should understand that these feelings come from satan and he is simply trying to destroy us…..and because we are unspiritual, the job gets done quite easily.

Porn, evil minded people, obscene images, and lustful midsets all set off this evil desire.

God destroyed people in the Old Testament for such lifestyles and behavior. – Genesis 19:13

Being gay is nothing new to this world, just because America has widely begun to accept it as “ok”, does not mean anything.

Gay men wanted to sleep with God’s angels. – Genesis 19:4-11

God did forbid the chosen people of Israel to sleep with those of the same sex, and punishment for doing so included DEATH. – Leviticus 20:13

God calls this Detestable. Low. Unnatural. Unholy. Evil.

Is this the lifestyle that we want to live, knowing that one day it will go away and whatever evil pleasure it brings us now will also bring eternal torment on the last day?

God even spoke on men wearing women’s clothing. – Deuteronomy 22:5

Did you know that you have a choice and God is not going to “make” you do anything?

What you Really want is what you will be.

Did you know that once you start to “feel” that what you are doing is right and alright, that God has let you go! He has given you over to what burns so deep in your spirit?

He has given you to satan, because that is where you really want to be. You enjoy the sinful pleasures he offers you!!!!

Romans 1:26-32 (READ IT)

God says that no such wicked soul will ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven where all is pure. 1 Corinthians 6:9

Sin separates us from God, not just the sins that “we” think are bad, ALL SINS!

Romans 6:23

The way we are cleansed from our sins is by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

Through baptism we are made new and have the ability to repent and be one with Christ.

Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27, 1 Peter 3:21, Romans 6:4

Repentance brings us back to God and gives us a “change of mind”….a mind for Christ and not of satan’s world.

How do we overcome the temptations of homosexuality?

The same way we over come all sins.

Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If you really love the Lord then you will HATE what he HATES.

And he HATES homosexuality.

You will do what God has commanded and you will know what He has commanded by studying the Bible and going to worship services and Bible classes to learn about God’s Word.

Does it matter “where” you go to learn about God’s Word?


Satan has churches too and the only church that he has no authority over is the “Church of Christ” and that is because it does not belong to him it belongs to Christ.

Matthew 16:18

The devil has control over many minds, people are choosing to do what he wants them to and they are forgetting about God.

Don’t let satan have control over you, he won’t take the blame for your problems or your eternity in hell.

He’s laughing at you.

Its up to you….

Follow Jesus & Hate satan.


Obey satan & spend eternity in hell.

“It’s Your Choice”

Miss California VS Perez Hilton

Miss California VS Perez Hilton

I must comment on the controversy concerning Carrie Prejean A.K.A. -Miss California and Perez Hilton.

I don’t know if Miss California is a New Testament Christian or not, but it is apparent that she shares Christian values. We as Christians need to keep her and her family in prayer for several reasons that I will discuss, but first being that if she is not a Christian, that somehow, someway she makes the decision to become one in her lifetime and not only to become a Christian, but to become a faithful Christian!

This is no surprise that the gay community, in particular a homosexual such as Mr. Hilton is outraged at her response to his question during the final rounds of the Miss America competition, which was, “Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same sex marriage, do you think every state should follow suite? Why or why not?”. Please watch the video that I posted for indepth details if you are unaware of the issue.

The Bible says that, being with a person of the same sex in a sexual way is unnatural! (Romans 1:24-32) God did not make ADAM and STEVE, He made ADAM and EVE! OKKKK….!

I just wrote a blog about homosexuality previously, based on Biblical principles, and according to God’s standards this behavior is a sin and disgraceful, and as Christians we need to teach and preach what God said and not be shameful about it. Those living against the will of God will spend an eternity in hell if they do not change before they die, and it is up to us as Christians to tell them the TRUTH! They will have no excuse on Judgment Day!

I’m going to do more research, but I’ve heard that since the incident Miss California stands behind her decision to answer the question the way she did, and I applaud her because she should be proud to take a stand for righteousness against EVIL! It doesn’t matter who gets upset we are trying to please God NOT MAN ( Galatians 1:10) She cant take that Miss America title with her in eternity, so she better be thinking about her response being pleasing to God regardless of who she looses support from, because her most important Supporter is God Himself! And that goes for us too!

How many of us stick our Christianity in our back pockets, depending on if a person of “human standard” prestige or those who are of high social standards are around?

Do we not tell the Truth to those people who may have our next career moves in their hands (as so it seems), or those who have the authority to “pay” us $?

What if we loose all of our friends, family, and money for standing up for Jesus? How many of us would abandon Him?

The answer is MOST OF US WOULD! Its nothing new (John 6:66). This has been going on since the beginning, people have always turned away from God. Homosexuality and people who hate people who do not agree with their sinful desires and lifestyles has been in the world for centuries.

The Bible speaks of this.

(Romans 1:32)

We need to make sure we are in check. Make sure you are doing all you can for the cause of Christ, that you are not ashamed of Him in front of worthless men.

For you will hate the day that He will be ashamed of YOU in front of the TRUE AND LIVING ALMIGHTY GOD!

MATTHEW 10:32.33


True Christianity

True Christianity
How Do We Know The Truth?AboutAn Example

Imagine there is a book written to guide you to a certain destination…..

Everyone in the world has access to this book, and many want to go to the same destination, as you do…..

BUT, there are many interpretations according to different people regarding the way to get to the destination by following the things written in the book. (II Timothy 4:3)

You value the book.

You value it’s truth, because you have studied it (II Timothy 2:15)and you truly desire to get to this specific location.

Plus the writings found in the book hold the sure way to be certain you will get there!


You’ve heard a few interpretations that are similar, but there are some vital oppositions that are different ; its impossible that they can all be right, because there is only ONE WAY! (John 14:6) to this special destination.

So now, you have to !THINK!

Let’s say out of all the various interpretations that you have heard, one thing sticks out that is the total opposite of the other interpretations. And lets say this one thing that sticks out is actually written word- for- word in the book?

Q: What would you conclude about which is the True Interpretation that you should believe?

The Gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-7)

Salvation (Acts 4:12, Mark 16:16 )

And The ONE Church (Ephesians 1:22,23;4:4; 5:23)

Are not hard concepts within the Bible with proper study.

It is a mindset, or a belief system that does not allow a person to clearly see, understand, and obey God’s Holy Word.

We all have a choice to make.

It’s Simple.

Either Follow Jesus Christ…. Or Not…..

Those who are not Christians have made that choice.

But those who profess to be Christian, MUST do it according to the Bible if they are True Followers of Christ (Acts 2:38)

Have you obeyed? (scripture)

Are you following the Bible, or what someone has led you to believe about the Bible? (Galatians 1:10)

Have you compared the scriptures with your current beliefs?

If not, what are you waiting for? (Hebrews 4:7)

On the Day of Judgment you will be judged according to the “scriptures” so be SURE!

But if you have, please pass this example to someone who needs it…….


The Church of Christ was founded in a scriptural place.

The Church was founded in Jerusalem.

The prophecy of Isaiah: Isaiah 2:2,3 – Jehovah’s house was to be established in Jerusalem.

Micah 4:1,2

Zechariah 1:16

Luke 24:46-49 – Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead before repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name. The proclamation of this message was to begin in Jerusalem.

The Church of Christ was founded by a scriptural builder.

The Church was founded by Christ.

Matthew 16:18- Christ promised to build his church.

Therefore, no church can be scriptural, unless it was founded by Christ!

No human being ever had or has scriptural authority to originate a church.

The Church of Christ was founded on the scriptural foundation.

The Church was founded under Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s church has not been founded upon the weakness of human flesh,

but upon the divinity and sonship of Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11- For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid,

which is Jesus Christ.

The Church of Christ is the only Church founded by Christ.

Matthew 16:18- Jesus only promised to build ONE church, not churches.

Ephesians 4:4- Paul teaches that there is ONE body (church), – Ephesians 1: 22,23

Romans 12:4,5

1 Corinthians 12:20

The Church of Christ is nondenominational.


1) Have many bodies/churches 2) Founded by men 3) Human heads 4) Human Creeds 5) Wears Human names 6) Follow men 7) Multiplicity of churches unknown to the Bible 8. Membership not essential to salvation 9) Preach many gospels 10) Rewrite creeds every few years 11)Many faiths 12) Many baptisms 13) Join churches 14) Claim to be abiding in branches of the church 15) Walk by different rules 16) Claim doctrine is inconsequential.

The Church of Christ-

1) One Body (Church) -Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 12:20

2) Founded by Christ; Matthew 16:18

3) Christ is the Head- Ephesians 1:22,23

4)Bible is the only creed- 2 Timothy 3:16,17

5) Glorifies God in the name Christian- 1 Peter 4:16

6) Following Men is condemned – 1 Corinthians 1: 10-13

7) Mentioned in the Bible- Romans 16:16

8. Membership in Christ’s church is essential to salvation – Ephesians 5:23

9) If a man preach any other gospel, he is condemned- Galatians 1: 8,9

10) Bible remains the same- Matthew 24:35

11) One Faith – Ephesians 4:9

12) One baptism- Ephesians 4:5

13) God adds to the church- Acts 2:47

14) Jesus said, “Abide in me, the true vine”- John 15:1-6

15) Walk by the same rule- Philippians 3:16

16) Take heed into doctrine to save self and others- 1 Timothy 4:16

The Church of Christ gives scriptural answers on “How to be Saved”.

Salvation is not passive, but active.

God saves, yet man saves himself by obeying the Gospel.

Romans 1:16

Acts 2:40, 4:12

HEAR – Romans 10:17

BELIEVE – Acts 16:31

REPENT – Acts 2:38

CONFESS – Romans 10:10

BE BAPTIZED – Acts 2:38

LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR CHRIST – 1 Thessalonians 4:3-12

The Church of Christ adheres to Scriptural Teachings

Scriptural Church

Everything about the church is scriptural:

From the foundation laid by Christ…..the activities in the church…..the teachings in the church…to the coming of the Lord for his church……..

Scriptural Name

Many people do not feel that the name of the church is important.

But God has reverence for names or else he would not have created them!

Notice Genesis 5:2, when he “named” Adam and Eve.

Notice Genesis 17:5,15, when he changed Abram’s “name” to Abraham, and Sarai’s “name” to Sarah.

Notice Genesis 32:27,28, when he changes Jacob’s “name” to Israel.

In 1 Corinthians 1:13, Paul condemned human and divisive names by asking, “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized into the “name” of Paul?”

Therefore, when you add a “name” other than Christ to the church, you are linking that “name” with the owner of the church…In the Bible it says that Christ is the foundation of the church -

1 Corinthians 3:11

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is not other “name” under heaven given to men by which we must be SAVED. – Acts 4:12

The Church of Christ carries a scriptural name. – Romans 16:16

The Church of Christ shows possession….not a denominational “man-created” name.

It is called the Church of Christ because the church belongs to Christ,

under no other name can we be saved. -Acts 4:12

1 Corinthians 1:13 – Christ is not divided.

Most “churches” carry names that are not even in the Bible. So how can that be scriptural?

Scriptural Activities

The Lord’s Supper- I Corinthians 11:23-29, Acts 20:7
Giving- 1 Corinthians 16:1-3
Public teaching by Men ONLY- 1 Corinthians 14:34,35
Speaking where the Bible says to speak, and silent, where it says to be silent- 1 Peter 4:11
Spiritual Prayer- 1 Corinthians 14:13-19, James 5:13-16

Scriptural Baptism

Burial in Water- Colossians 2:12, Romans 6: 3-5, Acts 8:36-37
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost- Matt. 28:19
For remission of sins- Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16
To Save us- 1 Peter 3:21; John 3:5

Scriptural Music

Singing Colossians 3:16
Melody in the Heart- Ephesians 5:19
Fruit of the Lips- Hebrews 13:15
With Spirit and understanding- 1 Corinthians 14:15

The Church of Christ is the ONLY Church that offers Christians SALVATION because it is the ONLY scriptural church, meaning the only church that you can read about thoroughly in the Bible, from beginning to end!

When observing a scriptural church look for the marks:

Built By Christ

Built On Christ

In Jerusalem

On Pentecost

Any church that does not bear these marks is NOT the Church Jesus promised to build.

It may have good people in it and may teach and do many excellent things, but it is not the church of the living God; it is a human church imposed on the credulity of man.

True Christianity

True Christianity

How Do We Know The Truth?

AboutAn Example

Imagine there is a book written to guide you to a certain destination…..

Everyone in the world has access to this book, and many want to go to the same destination, as you do…..

BUT, there are many interpretations according to different people regarding the way to get to the destination by following the things written in the book. (II Timothy 4:3)

You value the book.

You value it’s truth, because you have studied it (II Timothy 2:15)and you truly desire to get to this specific location.

Plus the writings found in the book hold the sure way to be certain you will get there!


You’ve heard a few interpretations that are similar, but there are some vital oppositions that are different ; its impossible that they can all be right, because there is only ONE WAY! (John 14:6) to this special destination.

So now, you have to !THINK!

Let’s say out of all the various interpretations that you have heard, one thing sticks out that is the total opposite of the other interpretations. And lets say this one thing that sticks out is actually written word- for- word in the book?

Q: What would you conclude about which is the True Interpretation that you should believe?


The Gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-7)

Salvation (Acts 4:12, Mark 16:16 )

And The ONE Church (Ephesians 1:22,23;4:4; 5:23)

Are not hard concepts within the Bible with proper study.

It is a mindset, or a belief system that does not allow a person to clearly see, understand, and obey God’s Holy Word.

We all have a choice to make.

It’s Simple.

Either Follow Jesus Christ…. Or Not…..

Those who are not Christians have made that choice.

But those who profess to be Christian, MUST do it according to the Bible if they are True Followers of Christ (Acts 2:38)

Have you obeyed? (scripture)

Are you following the Bible, or what someone has led you to believe about the Bible? (Galatians 1:10)

Have you compared the scriptures with your current beliefs?

If not, what are you waiting for? (Hebrews 4:7)

On the Day of Judgment you will be judged according to the “scriptures” so be SURE!

But if you have, please pass this example to someone who needs it…….


The Church of Christ was founded in a scriptural place.

The Church was founded in Jerusalem.

The prophecy of Isaiah: Isaiah 2:2,3 – Jehovah’s house was to be established in Jerusalem.

Micah 4:1,2

Zechariah 1:16

Luke 24:46-49 – Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead before repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name. The proclamation of this message was to begin in Jerusalem.

The Church of Christ was founded by a scriptural builder.

The Church was founded by Christ.

Matthew 16:18- Christ promised to build his church.

Therefore, no church can be scriptural, unless it was founded by Christ!

No human being ever had or has scriptural authority to originate a church.

The Church of Christ was founded on the scriptural foundation.

The Church was founded under Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s church has not been founded upon the weakness of human flesh,

but upon the divinity and sonship of Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11- For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid,

which is Jesus Christ.

The Church of Christ is the only Church founded by Christ.

Matthew 16:18- Jesus only promised to build ONE church, not churches.

Ephesians 4:4- Paul teaches that there is ONE body (church), – Ephesians 1: 22,23

Romans 12:4,5

1 Corinthians 12:20

The Church of Christ is nondenominational.


1) Have many bodies/churches 2) Founded by men 3) Human heads 4) Human Creeds 5) Wears Human names 6) Follow men 7) Multiplicity of churches unknown to the Bible 8. Membership not essential to salvation 9) Preach many gospels 10) Rewrite creeds every few years 11)Many faiths 12) Many baptisms 13) Join churches 14) Claim to be abiding in branches of the church 15) Walk by different rules 16) Claim doctrine is inconsequential.

The Church of Christ-

1) One Body (Church) -Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 12:20

2) Founded by Christ; Matthew 16:18

3) Christ is the Head- Ephesians 1:22,23

4)Bible is the only creed- 2 Timothy 3:16,17

5) Glorifies God in the name Christian- 1 Peter 4:16

6) Following Men is condemned – 1 Corinthians 1: 10-13

7) Mentioned in the Bible- Romans 16:16

8. Membership in Christ’s church is essential to salvation – Ephesians 5:23

9) If a man preach any other gospel, he is condemned- Galatians 1: 8,9

10) Bible remains the same- Matthew 24:35

11) One Faith – Ephesians 4:9

12) One baptism- Ephesians 4:5

13) God adds to the church- Acts 2:47

14) Jesus said, “Abide in me, the true vine”- John 15:1-6

15) Walk by the same rule- Philippians 3:16

16) Take heed into doctrine to save self and others- 1 Timothy 4:16

The Church of Christ gives scriptural answers on “How to be Saved”.

Salvation is not passive, but active.

God saves, yet man saves himself by obeying the Gospel.

Romans 1:16

Acts 2:40, 4:12

HEAR – Romans 10:17

BELIEVE – Acts 16:31

REPENT – Acts 2:38

CONFESS – Romans 10:10

BE BAPTIZED – Acts 2:38

LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR CHRIST – 1 Thessalonians 4:3-12

The Church of Christ adheres to Scriptural Teachings

Scriptural Church

Everything about the church is scriptural:

From the foundation laid by Christ…..the activities in the church…..the teachings in the church…to the coming of the Lord for his church……..

Scriptural Name

Many people do not feel that the name of the church is important.

But God has reverence for names or else he would not have created them!

Notice Genesis 5:2, when he “named” Adam and Eve.

Notice Genesis 17:5,15, when he changed Abram’s “name” to Abraham, and Sarai’s “name” to Sarah.

Notice Genesis 32:27,28, when he changes Jacob’s “name” to Israel.

In 1 Corinthians 1:13, Paul condemned human and divisive names by asking, “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized into the “name” of Paul?”

Therefore, when you add a “name” other than Christ to the church, you are linking that “name” with the owner of the church…In the Bible it says that Christ is the foundation of the church -

1 Corinthians 3:11

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is not other “name” under heaven given to men by which we must be SAVED. – Acts 4:12

The Church of Christ carries a scriptural name. – Romans 16:16

The Church of Christ shows possession….not a denominational “man-created” name.

It is called the Church of Christ because the church belongs to Christ,

under no other name can we be saved. -Acts 4:12

1 Corinthians 1:13 – Christ is not divided.

Most “churches” carry names that are not even in the Bible. So how can that be scriptural?

Scriptural Activities

The Lord’s Supper- I Corinthians 11:23-29, Acts 20:7
Giving- 1 Corinthians 16:1-3
Public teaching by Men ONLY- 1 Corinthians 14:34,35
Speaking where the Bible says to speak, and silent, where it says to be silent- 1 Peter 4:11
Spiritual Prayer- 1 Corinthians 14:13-19, James 5:13-16

Scriptural Baptism

Burial in Water- Colossians 2:12, Romans 6: 3-5, Acts 8:36-37
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost- Matt. 28:19
For remission of sins- Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16
To Save us- 1 Peter 3:21; John 3:5

Scriptural Music

Singing Colossians 3:16
Melody in the Heart- Ephesians 5:19
Fruit of the Lips- Hebrews 13:15
With Spirit and understanding- 1 Corinthians 14:15

The Church of Christ is the ONLY Church that offers Christians SALVATION because it is the ONLY scriptural church, meaning the only church that you can read about thoroughly in the Bible, from beginning to end!

When observing a scriptural church look for the marks:

Built By Christ

Built On Christ

In Jerusalem

On Pentecost

Any church that does not bear these marks is NOT the Church Jesus promised to build.

It may have good people in it and may teach and do many excellent things, but it is not the church of the living God; it is a human church imposed on the credulity of man.